13 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta.PabloA.B
My most respectful obeisances to Sri Sri Goura-Nitay,  Srila Prabhupa and You Guru Maharaja...
Gradually I've been trying to get back to doing things as they Srila Prabhupada instructed us, I am reading "The Science of Self Realization," trying to improve certain aspects that I have deeply rooted in my character and I would love to be improved so that my service and my relationship with others is better, today I was in the class of  Bhakti Vasudeva Swami , talked about what was the reason that Krishna shared with Arjuna the most secret of secrets, a confidencial information;  of all kind of intelligence that existed and how that could hinder our spiritual path and how to balance our life between material and spiritual things.
I hope to give you good news soon,  about my spiritual life and my service to Srila Prabhupada and you will be better every day.
trying to serve, Bhakta Pablo, Santiago-Chile
HpS - Jaya!       Krsna sends us just the austerities we need.  We have to accept them properly, healthiley.