excrept from srila prabhupada lecture

13 years, 1 month ago by harsh_horse

Hare krsna maharaj

continuing with our small attempts tomunderstand and implement your instruction we are writing here

1.    This is transcription from Srila Prabhuapda lecture on Disappearance day of Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati Maharaj.....

"there is nothing good in this material world , everything is bad. we have manufactured some thing good and something bad. here becasue in the BG we understand this palce is dukhalayam-ashasvatam, this place is for misery, so in miserable condition how can we say this is good or this is bad. everything is bad.so those persons who do not know the material conditional life, they manufacture something this is good this is bad becasue they do not know every thing here is bad, nothing good. one should be very much pessimistic of this material world ,then he can make advancement in spiritual life. dukhalyam-asasvatam , this place is full of miseries and if we study analytically we find simple miserable condition.therefore the whole problem is that we should give up our material conditional life and in KC we should try to elevate ourselves to spiritual platform and thereby be promoted to kingdom of godhead, jat-gatya nivrantante  tam paramam mam. where going nobody come back to miserable world" 

2. We also find prabhlad maharaj saying if you want to be happy, stop finding happiness in this world.

3. in the link your grace told us http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/node/1099 ..Be happy with your family.  If Mataji wants to fight then take it as great fun.

------------------------------- how can we give  happiness in this world to any one, including ourselves.....if there is no happiness... [ this is what we understand from point 1 and 2].. but you are asking us to give happiness.we find inability to synthesis both  1,2,and 3..

we also understand no instructions are contradictory.. like in primary school we learn "2 minus 3" is not possible, but in secondary school we learn this is possible [2-3 = -1].....

evey instruction is dependant on time, place, circumstance[TPC] and candidate....we are finding hard time to find what is practical for us in given TPC and our realization and surrender level....
we understand this requires higher intelligence...good morning program and nice enthusiastic first 16 rounds will gives us intelligence...

the world practical seems very dicy.. as our wicked mind can always ask ourselves to follow some standard much lower that what we can follow...
what is the link between austerity and practical....-----------

i think in our situation your most important instruction is  if you have any doubt what to do chant Hare Krsna.
so we chant now...

hare krsna , hare krsna...

HpS --  Jaya!   AgtSP   paoho.   Very nice, but write shorter letters!!   Very nice, but concentrate your ideas more, no?        A pure devotee lives very happily in this world seeing everything as a replica of Vaikuntha.  The prison guards see everything in the prison as quite nice.  We see that girls want to fight because that is how they express how much pain they are in and they want to show that they are God (boys too).  O.K.  It is like playing with children. It can be great fun because it is like Krsna's play in Vrndavana.  Remembering that takes us out of the material world and we see that as we learn the fine art of fighting in family life then we see how it is very purifying for everyone.

Material world is a state of mind!

Yet, yes, always chant Hare Krsna in andy circumstance!