
13 years ago by nadiavillar
Hare Krsna Dear Guru Maharaj
2 principles (no gambling & no eating meat, fish, eggs) Last report was on your vyasa puja and it was very dissapointing... now, just a little bit better. My tendency to drugs and drinks has dropped. It hasn't dissapeared, but at least I can handle it better. Chanting one round daily since few days... Some devotees have always been there, supporting me and listening to me. To be honest, I feel I am in an uncomfortable situation, I know I have to move, but I don't feel is the right moment... my mind is quite wicked but at least I still can notice when it is trying to make me do stupid things. 
Now I'm on vacations, lots of free time. Among other things, trying to do some sport and watching documentaries about ancient civilizations. ( sooo geek) I went to the temple two weeks ago, took asociation from Sankarshan Das Adhikari and Purusatraya Swami... this week going to Bhagavad Gita lecture by Bhakti Vasudeva Swami. 
I've seen you in my dreams these last days... that's great for me its a great inspirations. Thank you.
Hope to come back soon and learn how to be a decent disciple again...
Nadia Villar, Santiago, Chile.
HpS - ASA -- Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!    Pronto!!!          Si, aveces los raises son
profundos.     Manifestando como apego a tobacco, iracunda, libros ... .. . .      pero adelante.  Adelante, busca la raiz de su addiction.   100% no es completamente mal.  Mucho probalmente es real y simplemente tiene que adjustar relacionar con su situacion.    Es decir, locura usualmente es un reaccion sano a un situacion (historia) insano!!!