B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Since the marathon we are collecting to buy a new kitchen with oven to cook for Lord Jagannatha. We already order the fabrication,  and we are collecting some more laksmi complete the payment, the kitchen will be ready for this monday!

Gurudeva, I had the desire to make a travel this holidays, to travel with my brother to some other temple. The past year my brother make a big change becoming devotee, but even if he is very enthusiastic, sometimes he expressed he felt more alone because at the school he could not enjoy as before the activities (usually nonsenses) with his friends. Even if he understand the value of Krsna Conciousness in his life, he sometimes felt little unsecure, or like "ashamed" because he is not enjoying like the others. I undestand was he is feeling and I wanted to make a travel with him to show him, to experience together that devotees can also have fun but with Krsna in the center. So I was planing to make a travel to some place, to do sankirtan, participate in festivals during the holidays. And finally we bought tickets to go to Brasil. We are going to Sao Paulo, we will stay in the temple there...

HpS - ASA ---  Jaya!

I hope this is a good idea, some devotees I feel doesn't like too much the idea, and also I didn't metion this before, and now I already have the tickets. So it seems it may be too pationed... I apologize to not ask before, nor even mention.

HpS - As NIOS we are reading one heavy German author now.  He went through so much hell during his life, war, newspapers, crashed plays...   But it was his sister who again and again helped him.   Yeah, its good to ask first, but also its a practical thing and whether it is a good plan or a bad plan, its a pretty good plan and it may work.

My desire is to spend a good time with my brother in Krsna conciousness, because the next year I will go to Mexico and I would like he feels more secure about his new path. We are departing the 24th and coming back the 10th march.

Some days I didn't enter to the japa class were because I was really sick. And others because sometimes programs at the temple finish very late. Yesterday I arrived too late from Sattva I forgot to put my alarm because I was too tired... but my rounds are really better, in the morning. I am very gratefull. It is true that when we chant anarthas come more strongly?

HpS - Can be the case.   They are not going to go away.  The are frozen and when we are strong enough to handle them Krsna lets them out.

Or we are more concious of them? Maya will try to put more obstacles?

thank you very much, please excuse my offenses, I am very grateful for you assotiation, I don't deserve it
Your aspirant servant


HpS - AgtSP!     Paoho.      So nice to have your association.  Hope that all your relations get worked out well!