Sattva reporting

12 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeisance
All glories  to Srila Prabhupada

  1. This Saturday we will do a special meeting to see the details about legal aspects.
  2. The day of Sarasvati puja, 27thJanuary, we are preparing the prasadam distribution (350 plates) at Desamparados.
  3.  We are starting to plan a tour (from 4thto 24thApril) including Chiclayo, Trujillo and Cajamarca.
  4. Sadhana: P.Abhirama and b.Natalia are participating in the Japa class, Jagat Pavitram is as usually chanting his rounds, M.Damodar continue with her puja, chanting 16 rounds, trying to improve her quality of chanting… Luis, waking up early and his chanting during the day. We are all together trying to continue!
  5. Our class of Srimad Bhagavatam is from 7am to 8am.

 Hare Krsna!

HpS - Jaya!     AgtSP     Paoho.   Such a small group, but with good possibilities. May we all find our place in Srila Prabhupada's movment as he wants to precisely place us!!!!