Rasa-mandali devi dasi

12 years, 8 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I apologize for not writing sooner. It has now been a little over a week since my initiation yajna!!! I'm still not sure what I am supposed to be feeling. Someone suggested that one feels lighter...

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  pamho.   Feeling lighter sometimes comes from lack of oxygen.

I can see that being true. Another suggested that it might not sink in until a few years down the line. Regardless I feel blessed to have received your mercy in the form of accepting me as a disciple. Thank you very much and am forever grateful. I promised to chant 16 rounds and follow the four regulative principles so I pray that I keep this vow and not dissatisfy you, ever.

HpS -  Grrrrrrrrrr!   You have to keep it like a Pit Bull holding onto the meanest Bull in the world by the nose, snaping you from side to side, and slapping you on the ground and stomping you with his feet.    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!   (The reflection of the Rasa-lila in the material world!)

And during the yajna, Bhaktimarg swami was the one who gave me my beads as well as the name you picked and let's not forget that beautiful maha ring from Radharani. It was just amazing. Another nice thing about the ceremony was that Madhavendra puri as well as Yogendra, who is the boy I am associating with, both received second initiation. They are disciples of Bhaktimarg swami. It was a memorable day by all means!

Just to confirm the meaning of my name: is it the name for one who arranges the circle for the rasa dance to take place?

HpS -  Yes, yes, yes...  Got to keep things tidy.  Don't want any sticks or stone on the dance floor!!!!

One devotee also told me it is a name for Radharani. I assume though it is a name of a gopi. I simply adore my name btw :)

HpS - In the spiritual world everything is a person.  The flute, the trees, the dance floor!  All the Gopis and Krsna stamping on her.

Oh, and I collected daksina for you. How would you like me to send it? I would be happy to get it to you as soon as possible.

HpS - AGTSP!!!  I don't know???  Maybe you could cook some potatoe squach for Krsna and use the Daksina to pay for the ingredients.  That would be nice!!

My book score for the Prabhupada marathon was 121 books... not too many but it is the most I've ever distributed and I'm happy with my little contribution.


HpS - ASA  ---   Jaya!!!!!          Super!!! ! ! ! ! !        121-people have unlimited, eternal, fountains of nectar in their hands.

I tried to meditate on the fact that the laksmi collected is to be send for the construction of the new temple in Mayapur. A bigger home for Lord Caitanya!!!!!!!

Maharaj, I hope you are in good health. Please engage me in your service, whatever it may be. 

Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dd

HpS - Rasa-mandali Devi Dasi, Ki Jai.   Jayatam dvijate, All glories to the twice born (Yogendra Das).