hare krsna maharaj dandvat pranam. we are now in emotional truama. hence we are just writing whats coming to mind.
Q1 : if one can get attached to lord, that means one ie not KC , then is there any problem if he gets attachd to other principle like morning program , following four rules.....
ASA - AGTSP!!!!!!!!! Your question is not clear... but attached to Krsna means attached to Krsna's service. Attached to the elephant's nose is attached to His feet and tail. It is just different ways of approaching him.
to protect such attachment that the person may adopt measure that may be harsh, rash or any other [un expected thing] but aim is to follow the principle. is that ok ? or that is called niyam-aaagraha.
HpS - We don't hurt the elefant's tail to be attached to his nose.
we understand this fall down stories little bit. but maharaj i ahve reveleation to make. here.
we dont want to preach this message of KC, becasue we are not able to set an example. it requires strong/expert guidance. which we are not able to find til this point. one has to search diksha guru, sikhsa, guru then asram guru... we are playing trial and error. lets try this guru that person. may be this or that may help.
first set example then preach this what we think should be followed...without example we are not thinking of preaching....
ASA - Yes, preaching, teaching, means to teach what you know. If you have 35% realization that a certain diet is good then you just tell people what you know, "I have realized this about 35%. I think the people who are promoting it are good. I'm not completely sure how to apply it, but definitely some good here and as we make any progress its eternal so little by little it should get clearer".
q2: is that ok?
like last mail we wrote---intiated disciples are more focusing on execution on service and morning program... the asrma thing is sort of neglected. we are not set anye xample nor we are able to find any example [ may be our example definition is wrong]
Q3 what do thy[HpS] mean by setting right example?
[a] mode of good ness behaviour in asrama
[b] serious intense auterirites in bhakti yoga
[c] behavior that may inspire others to do service externally, in this movement.
[d] all of the above.
ASA - [d] except [b] should eliminate "intense" at this point.
We also remember thy instruction of following morning program and getting intelligence..
we try to follow ur moring program..its getting better eventually.... but manier times these emotional and mental confusion creates big problem in mirco management oif life.and we miss morning program.. [we dont expect diksha guru to do micro-management].
harsh from andh-kupa.
ASA - Maharaja Nrga was cursed to live as a frog in a well, so he accepted if he could have three wells, 1) Cool in summer, 2) Warm in winter, 3) In a fruit orchard so that there would be lots of flies to eat. Yum! Yum! Dark well, Ki Jai. Yet, there is nice light. Just chant Hare Krsna whenever you have problems and you will be O.K. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. You can cry. You can walk out of everything and just chant, and then Krsna will give you intelligence how to deal with it! I know.