hare krsna mahraj thank you very much for telling us our foolishnes..
we apologise of getting in the biology of asrama. we actually forgot ur asrama[frankly while writing this]..asrama.
asram guru-hmmmmm this first time we heard this term now we take headache of finding asram guru...till now there may be uncle or aunts. but none understaind that we are willing to apply KC prinicples.
we got some thing intresting so wanted to share :
Sankhya and ayurveda
ayurveda has 3 basic elements 1. Vaat ( air +ether) 2. Pitta ( Fire+water) 3. Kaph (Water + earth)
features of Vaat (air): speed+dryness+Cold+change
fatures of Pitta (fire): burning+ color ( yellow-red) + melt + expansion +Odor
fatures of Kaph (quagmire) :s sticky + oily + cold + chill + stillness
vaat is related to mind. As mind can be fast like air. Vaat effects mind, mind affects vaat. Vaat major body would be philosopher, artist, poet etc. But if vaat is uncontrolled then person becomes too active, day dreaming increases , dreams increases, decrease of sleep. One who wants to control mind at physical level should try to control vaat.
Pitta is related to intelligence. Pitta major body person would be able to differentiate between wrong and right.pitta also causes anger, envy which destroys intelligence . If you want to advise a pitta effected person then first try to balance his pitta , otherwise he would understand your advise incorrectly.
Kaph is related to ego. If ego and soul are aligned then person would have love, compassion, faith, dedication, devotion etc. But when ego is away from soul but near to outer world. The persoj becomes rigid or stiff. I am man, i am woman, i am leader etc. If persomn is affliceted by kaph then if he loses money then he can not accept this easily...
hope it may help me..
signing of buffalo
HpS - AGTSP pamho Interesting, but seems like takes a lot of detailed intelligence to apply it.