B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

1. My sadhana super improved with the japa class, I am very happy, I feel a big difference and I am very grateful! Life without good rounds is very sad. This japa class is the best gift. Sometimes I feel little tired because is a change to wake up so early, but at the same time the body seems to be accepting because I can jump from bed everyday without too much difficulty. So my sadhana is very good, also some reading, but it can be increased.

HpS - AGTSP  pamho.   Me too. I want to sleep "just a little longer today", and then I remember that we have to get to our WeBex-Japa Utsava!!!!!
Getting up early is O.K.   You can always take a nap later or go to bed really early.

2. Now in holidays, I am doing many beautiful things, with my family, my brother, I bought many new flowers for my garden... However I like very much the service of sankirtan, but because my spiritual life was not strong last month I had no the enthusiasm, or the blessings, or I didn't work on my desire, that I didn't too much sankirtan this december (my report soon), so I wish to do some book distribution every day during this month that everything is becoming more auspicious. I wish to be strong and fortunate enough to engage myself in this service this month, and to enjoy it in a spiritual way!

HpS - ASA - Yare dekha, tare kaha, Krsna upadesa...    Wherever you go, whomever you meet, tell him about Krsna. Always be on Sankirtana. If we keep PURE then Krsna will send innocent people with the patience to listen to us and take a book. Upadesamrta!

3. Sattva: I forgot some meetings... in holiday I start to forget wich day is monday, tuesday... in many things I am very absent minded person. I like very much devotees of Sattva, I have to work on my seriousness.

Thank you very much!!!

Hare Krsna
your insignificant aspirant servant,

HpS - AgtSP     Today is Monday. It follows the Sunday Feast and it is the day to catch up on everything!