Dharma o Maya. I am confuse!

13 years, 2 months ago by radhikas


 Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami

Please accept my humbel obediences

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - ASA -  Jaya. M. Maha-bhava!   AgtSP!     Paoho.   So nice to hear from you!!!  How is your good husband, good family, BIG DEITIES!

Maharaja, I know the spiritual master  wants the devotee to preach to other, and give Sri Caitanya's mercy . I am not a book distributer but I gave Prabhupada's books to my teachers and people that are close to me. I'm sure that i am not the person that can  inspire  other to be complety surrend to Krsna in the way that Srila Prabhupada show it to us, like monks, but I try to make my work a service for Sri Sri Radha Krsna. During my intership hours as  Professional Massage Therapy, at The Institute , I  chant Hare Krsna in my mind when I stared the massage until I finished it! . I like to help the people with my positive attitud, to try attach them to Krsna, in some way!

HpS - Prabhupada explains in SB2.1 that if people can't chant Hare Krsna then they can be inspired to chant Ommmmm! Use our inteligence and we find ways that even we can preach. Even a DOG can take part and dance in ecstacy.

In November I rent a place to run my bussines, dedicate to health, mind and soul . I want  to bring the Iskcon vegetarian recipe book to my place to introduce vegetarian mentality to my clients and offer some snacks, to taste! I will  bring terapeutic massage, body steam detox, facial treatment to maintain healthy skin.

The Spa's name is , Radhika Spa ,Wellness Center, Salon. I want  Srimati Radharani's Blessing .

I wants to help a lot of people in my place!!!....before I died ,  I don't know if Sri Krsna wants that, for my life , but I hope He accept my duty as a service for Him.

 I hope  this mentality don't disturbe mi spiritual life and my relationship with You, my dear Siksa Guru. Some time I felt ansiety so I couldn't sleep well , some time I feel that you are  satisfied , some time I felt  very close and sometime  very far away from your path. 

In my mind i dream, and i feel that I want to go  preach in the road , visiting differents town , doing sankirtan but that is very hard for me, other moment I though in go to mangal arti to other temples....., and died in this path, some time i dream to be very estrictly and live alone to dedicate to my life to backhome !!!! ..... but I don't have the energy to move me in those way !!!!!

 February is god month to visit Houston!

  I hope you will be very well.

Please accept my service to your lotus feet,

Your eternal servant,

Mahabhava Cintamani dd 

note: excuse my English

HpS - Jaya!!!!     I feel just like you. We are worthless people. Yet, we have spirit. If things get tough we will figh LIKE HELL to save Srila Prabhupada from any assault.

So, we go on at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet like little dogs and try to understand what he wants from us. We are his servants. . .