Yamila Sandivara. Of Argentina ; Mendoza.

14 years, 1 month ago by Yamila Sandivara

The programs improved much; we made many celebrations for Krishna and we had the visit of Gunagrahi DAS Goswami and Ajamila Prabhu.

I could not travel to Buenos Aires because it was rendering examinations in the university.

But it was strange to speak to him. I was speaking with Radha Japa Prati Jalpa so that it sent my reverences to him when You were in Peru.

Itself with 25 rounds minimum and 4 principles, as always, since I knew the devotee ones. But now luckily it is different, more and more of a little I am understanding that Krishna is my refuge, can spend long time and It always is.

I have a favourite pastime; watch online the temple Hare Krishna of Los Angeles, always I see mangala-arati live because here they are the 9:30 a.m., when there they are the 4:30 a.m. They were reading all the yesterday mantras of the Bhagavad Gita; realising a ceremony and the reading. Devotee online also we tried to follow them; simply wonderful. Something funny to do a Sunday!

Thank you very much Guru Maharaja to offer its association me <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" />

(I am using Babel fihs, excuses the translation)

HpS - Jaya.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  Please accept our humbel obeisances.

Babel fish is O.K. if you write with simple grammar and simple words.

It is very, very, very nice to hear from you.

We are in Mar del Plata.  We are doing four days of inter-faith dialog. It is simple but very nice.

In the mornings we are doing a seminar on SB 1.8.18 -43.

What is that???

Next week we will be in Asuncion.  Then 27th-30th we are back in BsAs.  Maybe we can see you then. If not you and Yadupuri should surely call.

I can only hope that the community in Mendoza gets stronger and stronger. We want heavenly pleasures, not gross ones. We want to go to Indraloka so we get eviated by these things and don't get up early for Brahma-muhurta and chant nice rounds etc.

We miss the real nectar of building a Vaisnava community.

In any case I hope this Kapi Dhvaja and our Anjana Suta Academy can always be a home for everyone.

We are chanting our rounds, just like you!

See you in a few days.

Our respects to all the devotees in Mendoza!