sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam...

13 years, 2 months ago by GauraLilaDas

Dearest Maharaja


Hare Krsna! how is everything Maharaja? I hope your health is well.

ASA - AGTSP   paohoh  HpSwami was run over by a garbage truck this morning so we are answering, Tom Brown (Monkey).  We think he will be O.K.   He's got Rubber Soul.

I am reading NOI this morning and I felt like I had a decent question in regard to the 3rd verse where Prabhupada purports with reference to the words of Prahlada Maharaja (SB 5.7.23) and within that Prahlada-vani, he mentions worshipping the deity (arcanam vandanam). So my question is, within the harinama-sankirtana movement, to what extent should we place emphasis on deity worship? I personally have a lot of attachment and attraction to deity worship, and sometimes I get vibes from devotees that minimize the importance of it. Of course I'm aware of the importance of preaching and etc... but I'm just curious if you have any thoughts on the topic.

ASA - Sankirtana and Deity worship must go on side by side like two rails of the railroad track but because it is Kali yuga the Sankirtana should lead. We can approach Krsna more easily through His Holy Names, so we should do Diety worship to increase our facility to do hearing and chanting, but NOI 7-8, the more we chant better the more we become attached to the darsana and worshp of the Form of the Lord, But end of NOI 1, hrdayete radha krsna sarvada sevibe!

A Snnyasi may do manasa puja of the Form more and a rich Grhastha may to more pompous external worship! That's what we think in a blink for you to drink or dump in the sink. (Smile)

thanks a million for all of your association through skype ;D

ys, Gauralila Dasa