Reporte de Guna Manjari DD

14 years, 1 month ago by Guna Manjari

AGTSP and Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, long time since I wrote, sorry. Here I write a brief report:

- 16 rounds per day, yes.
- Four regulative principles: no.
- Fixed service: Yes, I am preparing sweets (berfi and sandesh) to Deities week after 2 ½ months ago, and I cooked Sunday afternoon's offering for the first time with help from Alan and prabhu prabhu Yamuna. He was very gracious.
- Sankirtan: I will start out this week with some Matajis. Please give me your blessings Guru Maharaja.
- University: I finished school, tomorrow, Monday, December 6 is the graduation ceremony.
- Work: Not yet, I do sankirtana for a while.
- Partnership: Receipt of Astasakhi good sadhu sanga and other devotees of my age, when I devoted more service and spiritual brothers as well.
- Ashram: Associated with Christian Barrera.

I hope you are well and the trip did not last too long. Please accept my humble obeisances.

hs Guna Manjari DD

HpS AGTSP   paoho.  If there were more people like you in the universe it would be heaven.  Paoho. Thank you all the news.

I knew a fellow who was like addicted to marijuana. He finally decided to just chant Hare Krsna while he was engaged in this vice.

Going up, going down.

He reported that one time was all that was necessary.

He could see all the bad things about the vice from the little island of the Holy Name in the storm of Maya, and he was never attracted ever again.

Ladys save their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers by their spiritual strenght and spiritual accomplishments.

H E L P !          We are drowning!     Please save us.