Radhe Radhe Shyam!!!!

14 years, 3 months ago by prananathdas

Dear Gurudev:

I'm so excited with the notice of your next visit to Spain!! I'll try to take some days of my holydays, to be in Madrid temple and follow you any where you go. You will be in Barcelona temple too? I hope you can.

I follow in my effort for fight against this voice that says me every day: " where you going?, you be fine here in the warm bed... don't leave it!, stay warm and sleep again.." some times the effort is bigger but finally when I'm in front of my dear Gour-Nityananda deities, I can realize that this is what I should to do every day, try humbly to follow your instructions, you teachings, Srila Prabhupada's teachings and advices.

Dear Gurudev, I wait for your next visit, and the next KD to ear some fresh news about you.

You humble servant

Prananath Das

Pd.  Where or how can I get some copy of the movie that you say in some KD? Oscar's Prabhu Movie

Radhe Radhe Shyam!!!!!!!!!!!

HpS  Hare Krsna.  Nice to hear from you.  Yes, we are supposed to land in Madrid and then go to Barcelona and New Vraja.  The exact, proposed, dates should be as always at:


Y e s ,  we face the same challenge.  So, easy to sleep when we should be chanting and writing.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Be active, work. There will be enough time for sleep when you are dead!"

I discover that praying to Krsna to help us work and then even doing something that will help keep us awake really advances us.

Jaya.  Hear many details from everyone when we are in Spain!